Well I was watching Fox news for a laugh humming "Believe it or not iiiiiiii'm walkin on air.........believe it or not its just meeeee" thinking about President Bush in his flightsuit. Then here comes footage of Bush campaigning on the taxpayer's dime(because Enron is in shambles). The *raise two fingers on each hand*"Journalist" was saying "President Bush has said that he will fight for truth, justice, and the American way." My freind turns to me and says "Its like hes a superhero or something." Thats right no substance Truth. Justice. The American Way. This does not mean anything, these are the three symbols this man has chosen to hide behind.
Don't get me wrong Democrats do the same damn thing, its just that well...Karl Rove seriously pushes the envelope. The flightsuit thing was so weird and then Murdoch's New York Post is printing pictures of Kerry in some kind of weird safety suit and compare it to Dukakis in a tank. The only real comparison to Dukakis in a tank is Bush's crazy flightsuit thing.
This also comes to mind because I saw Sean Hannity at the DNC calling the whole thing propaganda and Public relations ploys. I was always thinking about the Newspeak and how the ruling class always says the opposite of whatever its doing if its bad and always accuses the opposition of being guilty of its' own bullshit. So maybe we looked at this from ideological distant viewpoints and ended up with the reverse impression which is hilarious, but seriously the Karl Rove argument from before....... that trumps just about all you got Hannity(See book: "Bush's Brain"). I mean seriously.....Karl Rove is a really dirty manipulator.
Ok so theres this thing called freedom of speech, without it democracy can't work. The problem is social psychology has advanced to the point that marketing has become an effort at mind control(to a degree). Which can only mean that this trend will most likely continue. We have to beware of certain social psychology ploys, so that we can build an aversion to mind control. This is important, because as the reality around us is converted to billboard space, we will need focus our minds to retain sanity. It reminds me of this Philip K. Dick short story called "Sales Pitch". This person in the not so distant future is depressed and losing touch with reality, because of the bombardment of advertisements. The final straw comes when a servant robot comes to their house, the robots job is to sell itself for use. The protaganist is very similar to most of Dick's other protagonists, just a guy trying to get by, but riding a wave of confluent forces. This archetype is simliar to the Western democratic citizen. We are told we have so much freedom and this belief makes it harder for us to understand that we may be capable of evil.
I saw "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's war on journalism" an amazing movie. You know those liberals and their complaining about fighting a war under false pretenses(wake up supporters of imperalism). I recalled O'Reilly comparing Michael Moore to Goebells(spelling?). That is the exact newspeak i'm talking about. A man that advocated the death of all Iraqi citizens(in a show calling them savages and suggesting we level the whole country with bombs) and insists on portraying himself as a patriot while brainwashing our country in to sending their children to die for a "yet to be named" cause.
Ok here is a play 1 act.
Starring: Unwitting Imperialist and Jaded Cynic
JC: so why did we go to war with Iraq?>
UI: Weapons of mass destruction of course. we couldn't wait for "the smoking gun to come in the form of a mushroom cloud."
Jc: So we didn't find those WMDs. Why did we go to war with Iraq now?
UI: To remove a brutal dictator of course. He used chemical weapons on his own people!
Jc: Didn't the US provide him with the equiptment to manufacture chemical weapons? Didn't the US support Saddam before and after he used those chemical weapons? In fact didn't we send Rumsfeld over and he shook hands with the asshole?
UI: He went over there to decry Saddam's use of chemical weapons, to insinuate it had anything to do with trade and realpolitik is preposterous.
Jc: Ok so even if the United States didn't put Saddam in power, ever since he was first hired as an assassin and he couldnt' even hit the right guy and killed the driver all the way up until the point he invaded Kuwait and offered the US a share of the booty. Lets say hypothetically he wasn't even put in power by Reagan/Bush 41 and the Rumsfeld/Cheney/Kissinger crowd. Alright there are many other problems in the world why Iraq?
UI: He was BRUTAL DICTATOR! We had to remove him!
UI: Well.......thats because there has been a vacuum of power created and to leave now would mean more deaths in the future.
Jc: So you're telling me we had to go in there because he was a direct threat to us.........but we can't leave because taking him out of power creatd a direct threat to us!!!????
UI: No, no, its not our fault, just like the chemical weapons and our support for the perpetuation and escalation of the Iran-Iraq war. ........................................................................................................................Wait we did do all this shit didn't we? This is the most combat deaths since Vietnam isn't it? Why are we still there???
Jc: was there ever an exit strategy???
UI: We have to leave when democracy is put in place.
JC: So as we use a totalitarian military state to impose democracy. As we stay in Iraq because taking the man out of power that was the reason for the attack creates a larger threat than was there orginally. In order to have our freedoms we must begin to give them up(indefinite detentions, patriot act, "free-speech zones", and right to equal representation). We are on opposite ideological ends, because you can either believe the language or you can question it.
Did you truly believe that Iran, Iraq, and North Korea posed such a unique(compared to the many years before) and imminent threat that Bush had to mention these individuals in his state of the union address as 'the axis of evil' ??
UI: No I think anyone would have seen that as a little overboard. A three front war!! hahah wow no one could eve win that.
JC: What do you call Afghanistan, Iraq, and now the cause ramping up war for Iran?
UI: I've read in the newspaper articles that put the phrase 9/11 and juxtapose it alongside Iran, pure and simple manipulative psychological propaganda. You will forget where you heard the information from, but you will recall 9/11 and Iran in the same thought process as you think about recent articles containing either one of these subject matters.
JC: So essentially we're on the same side here, because Bush wants to reinstate the draft in 2005 and take us to war with Iran?
UI: Yah you think I was gonna vote for the guy who will kill me? ahahah, no no I just think Iraq was a good idea.
Ok so that was weak but i'm gonna post it anyway, because i'm tired. No more complacence and our problems will be solved. Let people know you are liberal and a democrat, the contemporary pop culture is similar to the red scare, artists who speak out are blacklisted and the character assasination by Rupert Murdoch's bitches begins. As much as Republicans want to we cannot return to Plessy v. Ferguson(sorry trent, strom, and helms, but Jim brown shoulda handled your ancestors). We cannot return to 1953 Nixon is dead and good riddance, Reagan is dead, but the assholes behind Iran-Contra are still in the Bush administration. I hope to see justice done in my lifetime.
Just think: Bush's actions are from a man who pretends to believe he will be eternally punished for using his life to enact evil. How can he believe that and at the same time indiscriminately kill civilians with bombs(the same way those assholes did us on 9/11) and send so many American soldiers either to death............. or insanity, because of ordering them to torture and rape other human beings.
We all should have took a step back on 9/12 and realized how much it hurts our nation to see so many civilians killed in an indiscriminate fashion. We then could have built a consensus to structure our foreign policy around helping developing nations rather than bombing their civilians or funding coups and death squads. The only way out of the path we have taken may be a drastic change.
Our Forefathers bestowed a duty upon us.
We are to protect the republic through force if neccesary.
If the government becomes tyrannical we are bound by our duty for country to revolt.
The trend of centralizing power within the executive branch and unilateral foreign policy is facist in nature. The use of nationalist symbols to bring about cognitive dissonance in the general public. We are being lulled in to a false sense of complacency while world war three is starting.
All Muslims and All Christians are my brothers and sisters, people of all religions and people of no religions. There is no need for us to fight a global crusade for Britain's three Cs: Commerce, Civilization, and Christianity.
If we help their countries develop their populace will become educated and will learn that democracy is a form of government that is meant to check oppression. The only way we can provide this example is if we set ourselves on the path towards demoracy.
-Jimothy J. Jones
The conservatives of this country were more shocked by Michael Moore portraying the administration in a negative light than by our country committing horrible violations of the geneva conventions in Abu Ghraib. RUMSFELD ADMITTED TO CERTAIN FORMS OF TORTURE WHICH EXPLICITLY VIOLATE THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS!!!! I love my country but at this point in time I hate my government. If the government were to dissolve tomorrow I would celebrate for my brothers and sisters being tortured and raped in Abu Ghraib. I would celebrate for the individuals incarcerated for victimless crimes just to drive the incarceration rate to feed the prison industrial complex.
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
you are just a cog in the steamrolling machine of imperalism
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